Every laser needs a unique SESAM
An often heard misconception regarding SESAMs is that they are unreliable, suffer from poor lifetimes and are not repeatable. These claims can be true,
if the SESAM is operated outside of its suitable parameter range. For example, if the SESAM is not sufficiently adapted to the laser architecture,
unnecessarily high fluences may be needed to prevent the onset of Q-switching.Our approach of customizing SESAMs for each laser allows them to be operated
in an optimal working regime. This is the key to long lifetime. Moreover, our comprehensive understanding of process optimization and extensive experience
in MBE-technology allow to attain a high wafer-to-wafer repeatability suitable for industrial volume production. We have repeatedly qualified SESAM product
lines with lifetimes exceeding 10 000 hours and excellent wafer-to-wafer repeatability ensuring volume production.